
As a coach and consultant, I am passionate about helping people feel empowered in all aspects of their lives. I am committed to offering a dynamic, engaging environment that leaves the audience feeling more capable and confident in navigating their challenges.

I would welcome an invitation to speak to your leaders or teams about:

– The importance of self-care, especially for caregivers
– Multigenerational working and family living
– Leading with confidence at work, and at home
– Being a healthy, and whole, person and doing your best work

past speaking engagements

Contributing as a breakout session speaker at the Organization Development Network (ODN) Annual Conference on three occasions based on competitive proposal submissions

Featured speaker for the internal corporate audience on the topic of “Collaborating with Generational Differences and Cultural Diversity”

Leading lunch and learn gatherings on varied leadership and team-related topics, such as well-being and effective meeting management

Co-facilitating over a dozen book club discussions, virtual and in person

Serving as co-facilitator at conferences for large and small groups covering a variety of organizational development topics

I look forward to collaborating to make your next event a success.